What to Expect

This class will take less than 30 minutes to complete. At the end you will:

  • Understand why and how singing helps manage stress

  • Make a custom plan for using singing to manage stress in your life

Help me Help You!

Thanks for trying out this class. At the end of the class I’ll be asking for your thoughts.

Please let me know how I can make it better so it can serve as many people as possible.

Introduction - Let’s get Started!

Video 1: How Singing helps manage Stress

Video 2: Get Grounded

Video 3: Warm-ups!

Video 4: Keeping it Creative

Video 5: Let’s make a Plan

Thank you so much for taking this class. Please share your feedback to help me make it better!

Thank you Sacramento

This project is funded in part by the Seeding Creativity Grant of the Sacramento Office of Arts and Culture, with support from the City of Sacramento and the National Endowment of the Arts.